Saturday, July 17, 2010

Moist Woods Ecosystem

1) Box Elder (Sapindales, Aceraceae, Acer L., A. negundo L.)
-can be invasive and weedy
-fast growing tree, can have many trunks
-compound, light green leaves

2)Pin Oak (Fagales, Fagaceae, Quercus L., Q. palustris Munchh)
-retain lower, dead branches
-leaves have really deep u-shaped sinuses
-hairless twigs
-really love water

3) White Pine (Pinales, Pinaceae, Pinus L., P. strobus L.)
-needles are in a bunch of 5 needles
-very soft needles
-very slender cones

4) Green Darner Dragonfly (Odonata, Aeshnidae, Anax, A. junius)
-resembles a darning needle (hence the name!)
-very large at 3 in. in length. (one of the largest dragonflies!)
- pretty green

5) Black Cherry (Rosales, Rosaceae, Prunus L., P. serotina Ehrh.)
-bark looks like burnt potato chips
-long, shiny smooth leaves
-has white flowers

6) American Goldfinch (Pas
seriformes, Fringillidae, Spinus, S. tristis)
-thick beak
-yellow body, with black on wings and on top of head (male)
-dullish yellow body, black only on wings (female)

7) Indigo Bunting (Passeriformes, Cardinalidae, Passerina, P. cyanea)
-small bird with thick beak
-male are blue in summer, females are brown year-round

8) Northern Cardinal (Passeriformes, Cardinalidae, Cardinalis, C. cardinalis)
-very red, medium sized song bird with black on it's face and a mohawk (male)
-fawn colored, with reddish mohawk; can have red undertones, depending on diet (female)

9) Field Sparrow (Passeriformes, Emberizidae, Spizella, S. pusilla)
-very small sparrow, has a thick beak
-beak and legs are pink
-has a distinct ping-pong ball call
-a drab, light brown color

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