Saturday, July 24, 2010

Lowland Forest Findings

1) Lopseed (Lamiales, Vernebaceae, Phryma L., P. leptostachya L.)
-found in moist woods, thickets
-1-3feet tall
-have small, pink flowers on tall, thin stem
- dull green, serrated, opposit
e leaves

2) Gooseberry(Saxifragales, Grossulariaceae, Ribes, R. uva-crispa)
-edible fruit
-branches have sharp spines
-deeply loped alternate leaves, with rounded edges
-in the currant family

3) Harvestmen (class:Arachnida, order:Opiliones)
-over 6,400 species in the world
-ours had red body, black legs
-are not daddy long-legs!

4) Eastern American Toad (Anura, Bufonidae, Bufo, B. americanus)
-spots only contain 1 wart
-medium sized toad
-has variable colors and patterns

rginia Knotweed
(Polygonales, Polygonaceae, Polygonum L., P. virginianum L.)
-is in the buckwheat family!
-can reach 39 inches in height
-can make a tea for whooping cough with leaves
-alternate smooth edged leaves
-white flowers with 4 parts

6)Rough Bedstraw (Rubiales, Rubiaceae, Galium L., G. asprellum L.)
-small, greenish-white flowers
-plant falls
- needs other plants to lean on!
-whorled leaves

7) Millipede (class: Diplopoda)
-two pairs of legs per segment
-long, cylindrical body
-eat organic matter/decomposing vegetation

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