Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Bog Findings

1) Evergreen Wood Fern
(Polypodiales, Dryopteridaceae, Dryopteris intermedia)
-likes moist, rich woods
-evergreen fern with lacy fronds
-very hardy plant

2) Marsh Fern
(Polypodiales, Thelypteridaceae, Thelypteris palustris Schott)
-rounded fern with a smooth stem
-found in bogs
-spores are found on underside of fronds

3) Earth Ball Fungus
(Boletales, Sclerodermataceae, Scleroderma citrinum)
-very poisonous mushroom
-rounded, light yellow ball mushroom
-rough, segmented flesh

4) White Snakeroot
(Asterales, Asteraceae, Ageratina altissima)
-highly poisonous plant; is transfered to humans
through milk from cows who have eaten it
(killed Abraham Lincoln's mother)
-opposite, serrated leaves
-bright white flowers with 5 parts

5) Orange Fairy Cup
( Pezizales, Pyronemataceae, Aleuria aurantia)
-edible mushroom
-bright orange and curled along the edges (can look like
orange peels)
-found in clay soils near the end of summer/beginning
of autumn

6) Bleeding Fairy Helmet
(Agaricales, Mycenaceae, Mycena haematopus)
-obtains by consuming decomposing organic material
-helmet shaped and redish in color
-scalloped cap edges
-generally grow in clusters

7) Swamp Dewberry
(Rosales, Rosaceae, Rubus hispidus)
-has small, white flowers with 5 parts
-red and bristled twigs
-shiny, serrated leaves
-can be made into an astringent

8) Spring Peeper
(Anura, Hylidae, Pseudacris crucifer)
-live in forests near semi-permanent or permanent wetlands
-tan or brown with a black cross on their back
-males have a vocal sac that inflates and deflates with sound

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